“Responsible Journalism Will Help in the Development of a Close- Knit Society” – an important topic in today’s day and age was the motion for the annual Rao Sahib T.K Kurup Trophy which was held on 20thJuly, 2018. Participants from eleven schools eloquently presented their views on this crucial topic.
Our school was represented by Nandini Ghosh, who spoke for the motion and Vanshaja Mishra who spoke against the motion.
The three eminent judges after a prolonged deliberation awarded BISHOP’S SCHOOL, CAMP, the BEST SCHOOL. The SECOND BEST SCHOOL was awarded to ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL.
ARYAN VERMA of Bishop’s School, Camp, was adjudged the BEST SPEAKER.
ANMOL RAMAN of Army Public School was adjudged the SECOND BEST SPEAKER.